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For the record, and if there is anyone other than Rob Cote that cares, I paid my entire current tax bill for my car taxes on March 24th 2017. The fourth quarter ends 4-15-17. There was an interest charge of $14.60. I guess you could call that a late fee. The City of Warwick received a little more money than they would have otherwise. The City is welcome. Consider it my donation to the cause. As far as my "delinquent taxes", the clerk said I owed ONE PENNY. That is not a misprint! ONE PENNY. I am truly sorry that Cote caused so much commotion over ONE PENNY, but rather than leave it up to the interpretation of Rob Cote I thought I would come clean. He also "states" that my car came off the tax rolls. They knew nothing about that and neither do I. All I know is the car taxes in Warwick are three times what they are in East Greenwich. That's why I have been so persistent about lowering them. Cote, on the other hand said he was "moving out of Warwick". That was 2012. Was that the truth?

From now on, I will choose to just ignore the comments of this caustic person. I recommend everyone else do the same. He never has one good thing to say about anything or anyone. Ever. He never has a "better idea", just a vicious bashing of the current one. He is the first person to "judge" and the last person to suggest a better plan. He is a "destructive critic". I once said "If God came down from heaven and gave Rob Cote a million dollars, Cote would complain why God didn't arrive yesterday." If he makes a comment and you want any clarification, please feel free to call me at 401-338-9900. Otherwise just read the comments of readers who have " a better idea". Those are the "constructive critics" and for the common good of the City of Warwick, I hope their numbers grow.

Happy Easter everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: What is scary

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