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Dear allent,

On the one hand, you make a good point. I don't work with a contract and apparently, neither do you, but the teachers have always had one and they have a union which means they pay union dues. I'm not saying they should be paid more in salary or benefits. I'm not saying they should be paid less. BUT if I had a union and I DIDN'T have a union contract I would not feel secure in my job. The teachers haven't had the security of a written contract for about 2 years. Their numbers are being decreased by the School Committee (SC) while at the same time, the School Committee "administration" staff is increasing. In other words the money we taxpayers USED to pay to the teachers, we are now paying to the School Committee appointees. I am against that. Aren't you?

The teachers don't need an over-priced contract, just the security of a signed one. I was there at the SC meeting that had 64 teachers stand and be terminated all at once. It was the most disrespectful act I have ever witnessed. Imagine going to work every day wondering if you would be next. I, for one, couldn't do it. Could you?

If you want to discuss this with me, please call me at 401-338-9900.

Happy Easter allent.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Teachers target mayor to vent anger

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