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I am completely baffled by the assertion that an Avedisian sign keeps the taxes away. Tell me Mr. Corrente, did you research each Avedisian sign property owner to verify that they were indeed late on their payment? I am dumbfounded at your continued attacks on the Mayor, all of which are backed up by "alternative facts" and a big thumb pointed at your chest saying you would do a better job. Also, one of the reasons why Avedisian has been in office so long is that even though he is a registered Republican, he still works with the Democrats. Something I wish Washington would start doing to end all the contentious standoffs.

The fact is that "numerous notices" have gone out to those delinquent with no response. What would you have them do? Continue to send notices? Sometimes it takes a drastic measure in order to get people to fulfill their responsibilities. That is why I am not opposed to the public notification. If you and I are paying our bills, why shouldn't they? If they have hardship then they had ample opportunity to seek assistance. The city is willing to work out payment plans. So what is the obstacle in paying your bill?

From: Shutoffs started on unpaid water bills

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