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Hello Scal1024 and Thecaptain:

As the commenter who originally uncovered the losing mayoral candidate's residence in a home that he does not own, I'd like to thank both of you for keeping up the pressure and digging further into the defeated candidate's delinquencies, not only as a taxpayer but as a person. He can not and will not admit to his lies and failures, he repeats the same disproven and rejected talking points, he terms himself "mayor" after losing the election, he continues to use honor roll articles to rant about teacher contracts, and then goes completely silent when confronted on any of this.

And at the risk of speaking for the two of you, I think we can agree that we would have a "happy summer" if the rejected candidate would stop these antics and just go away.

Thank you again for joining me and the thousands of Warwick residents who reject the losing candidate's continued attempts to mislead readers of this site.

From: Shutoffs started on unpaid water bills

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