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Dear Gene,

The ethics commission should be ashamed of themselves, and Gene, so should you. They were NOT "right on target" They even missed the wall the target was mounted on. Donna Travis (and her husband Bill ) deserves a statue for her decades of unselfish charity work and public service. They have done more for Oakland Beach than EVERYONE else put together, and she never took a bow or asked for a dime.

Fining her is like fining that pilot "Sully" for killing some geese when he was emergency-landing his plane onto the Hudson River saving the lives of 155 passengers.

You call her lawyers comparison to Mother Teresa, an "outrageous travesty".

Finding any fault with her actions, Gene, is the real "Travis-Travesty". Considering all of the selfless acts of kindness Donna has performed, she's not LIKE Mother Teresa Gene, she IS Mother Teresa!

Gene, if you can name one person in history that has done more for Oakland Beach than Donna Travis, let's hear it. Otherwise a sincere apology is what she should hear from you.

Happy Summer Donna and Bill.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Contemplating comparison

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