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Dear mentally ill Non Taxpayer Mayor,

You are a delusional embarrassment, not only as a tax cheat failed candidate, not only as a political suck up to anyone with a D next to their name, but also as someone who, once again, clearly has no level of comprehension of rules and regulations set forth by the RI Judicial Branch. You can only be considered to be an inept imbecile when you post this type of crap. What I find completely hysterical, is that you donated to this compromised individuals campaign, and she refused to even post one of your signs. She even signed a letter disparaging you in favor of the current wreck of a mayor.

Your ignorance of the law and your lack of ability to perform any type of research prior to opening your pie hole is only superseded by your next statement of buffoonery. How you compare this failed uneducated political suck up to Mother Theresa is shameful. A person who made numerous attempts to sequester the first amendment rights of Warwick residents. A person who spelled a 4 letter word incorrectly on a sign held up at a council meeting. A person who did everything possible to prevent residents from speaking in public. A person who has zero fiscal knowledge of the city government. A person who was habitually late paying her property taxes and her car taxes, (just like you, maybe you are cousins) and was allowed a "special" tax payment schedule from her friend the mayor due to her fiscal incompetence. A person who premeditatedly schemed to abscond tax payer monies to benefit her little slush fund. A person who should have recused herself from numerous council votes. I could go on and on but maybe we should just come up with a new adjective to identify you. How about we just refer to you as "DUMBNESS" from now on.

Not withstanding the huge socioeconomic strides that have been made in her neighborhood in the 20 years that she has held the seat. NOT !

Your comments just go to prove once again how displaced you are from reality. By the way, I hope the tent that you are living in at City Park didn't blow away. We had heavy wind gusts today. Is squatting allowed at City Park?

From: Contemplating comparison

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