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Hello Bendover:

Kindly allow me to translate the prior comment by the failed losing fake "mayor" in reply to your earlier statement: "NO U!!!!"

This is not the first time -- nor, I am sure, will it be the last -- that he attempts to enforce rules about using this site that have not been established by the actual owners. His objection to screen names is well-documented and, despite the fact that use of pseudonyms does not necessarily raise questions about an author's veracity, he continues his bullying of other commenters for their use of them.

Do you find it hypocritical, as I do, that the failed candidate would give himself a factually incorrect title ["mayor"] and then criticize others for using screen names?

Do you also find it hypocritical, as I do, that he has defended his use a title that he did not earn by saying that the owners of the site "said it was OK," and yet will not recognize their approval of screen names?

Until the failed losing fake "mayor" reconciles these clearly hypocritical actions, I welcome you and other commenters to continue responding to him just as you have here.

From: Contemplating comparison

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