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Alert readers will see the previous comment by the losing "fake" mayor to be a blatant deflection from the issue he, himself raised, and is refusing to address because it has been proven false.

Specifically, the failed fake "mayor" stated: "the number of lost businesses over the last ten years (4,666) that I reported, came from the R.I. Secretary of States records and the City of Warwick's records. Do you have any numbers that are more accurate than that? If so what are they and where did you get them from?"

Following that comment, I provided a link to an article that specifically and objectively proved this claim to be completely false. In reply, the failed losing fake "mayor" commented on the city's population -- not its business sector.

What this proves, yet again, is that the failed, losing, tax delinquent fake "mayor" does not care to engage in anything approaching an honest dialogue about his false claims. Instead, he repeats his bullying conduct toward other commenters on this site, which as he has been told time and again, allows pseudonyms to be used.

Until the losing failure of a former candidate and fake "mayor" shows the courage to directly answer for his falsehoods, everything else he says should be disregarded.

From: Donna Travis deserves a statue

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