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The School Committee (SC) wants another $85,000,000?

Why don't they allow an audit of the $160,000,000 Warwick taxpayers have already given them... every year ... for the last ten years ... in a row. The SC staff is growing by about 30% in the last year alone while the Warwick teachers numbers were decreased by about the same 30% in the same time year.

And STILL no teachers contract?

Are you kidding me??!?

And the SC wants MORE?? $160,000,000 times ten years is OVER A BILLION DOLLARS! What happened to the TAXPAYERS BILLION DOLLARS? Can you answer that first ... please ...?

The teachers, parents, students and TAXPAYERS deserve to know.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor (dedicated to the Warwick taxpayer)

From: Thornton builds case for capital school bond

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