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The idea of building a new Super Junior High was in addition to repairing the other schools. It makes a lot more sense to build new in certain case and invest in the infrastructure of Warwick school. I know we can't replace every school in the district.

To the "Taxpayer Mayor"

Please stop. You honestly have no clue what your talking about. In the $160 million they don't have the money for real capital improvements. In order to do any plan , be it build new or repair existing we will need a bond. Go do research, real research like many in the comment section has done. I may not always agree with some here ( on their opinions on you 100% so) they come prepare to debate. You have to respect that. If you wanna be taken seriously by both might wanna take a lesson from the Captain or Mr. Cushman. I know deep down we all want Warwick to be better, we just have different opinions on how to get there.


From: Thornton builds case for capital school bond

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