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Dear Dave1107, (AKA Dave Testa, newest member of the School Committee),

Of the 7 points I made in my comment, which one or ones do you not understand?

I thought I was pretty clear. I can't imagine that you are "unable to have a substantive discussion about our schools" with me.

My statements were 100% factual. Please re-read them.

Why don't you consider the points I made. Agree with them. Disagree with them (although I don't know how you can) and get back to me. Then you can enlighten me as to "what compromises the school budget" and "where and how its' monies can be spent". Maybe I misread the School Committee charter, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Mission Statement... Maybe.

Happy September Dave.

Happy September everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: A plan for Warwick Schools

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