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Over 90% of that School budget is set towards Pay and benefits, I've been in a State Union for 13 years and I've gone five plus years with no pay raise while negotiations have gone on. We didn't leak info to the press every week, we compromised in good faith. The problem is that prior administrations didn't want to deal with the Union or cause a PR nightmare, so while other communities were adjusting to changes ......Warwick didn't. Both sides are at Fault for mistakes but David Testa is the most knowledgeable and independent person on that committee. Mr. Testa has more time vested in the Warwick Schools than every elected official combined. He doesn't fudge numbers, leak info to the press or use the students as pawns. This whole situation is about jobs and about the kids...Paying someone more money doesn't make them a good teacher or suddenly makes them want to be a better teacher.

From: A plan for Warwick Schools

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