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The buildings were repaired/renovated a lot in the last ten days. What we STILL don't have are teachers under contract. Imagine a family contemplating buying a home in Warwick. The question has to come up: Will the teachers be there to teach? We MUST get a contract for the teachers. It isn't the eleventh hour. It's the START OF SCHOOL!!!

On an unrelated issue, but still important for AFTER the teacher-contract issue is settled, I spoke to Jack Kirby of Kirby Brothers sewer drain company. He guesstimates that tying into sewers for Warwick Vets would cost approximately fifteen to seventeen thousand dollars. I believe that is LESS than the brilliant School Committee spends to pump the septic system IN ONE YEAR!!!

1. School Committee - settle the teachers contract!

2. Steve Gothberg - AFTER the teacher contract is settled, call Jack Kirby or any other drain installer and get Vets hooked up to sewers...please! Save the taxpayers a fortune!

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools ready for first day

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