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Rather than offering any constructive ideas, the fake "mayor" once again posts comments that only seem intended to make himself feel better.

Particularly idiotic is his statement that "maybe the author is a member of the SC."

First, the commentary is clearly labelled as an "editorial," which means it was written by a member of the editorial staff of the Beacon. Second, he is accusing the writer of having a self-serving interest in fixing local schools, another conspiracy theory sprung from his paranoid mind.

As has been proven time and again, the vast majority of readers know his claims to be at best misleading and at worst false. His ongoing attacks on the school committee over the contract issue [which he refuses to acknowledge is at least partly a result of the teachers union's refusal to accept a contract when offered one] are a blatant attempt to continue his stealth campaign on this site, as well as his use of a fake title.

He will no doubt continue to humiliate himself on this site, leading to his inevitable defeat next November.

From: The unfortunate reality of fixing our schools

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