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This editorial engages in false equivalence when the writer states: "You either side with the teachers and hate everything the administration does, or you think the teachers are just whiny and greedy."

Such a sweeping generalization neglects the many Warwick parents and taxpayers who have watched the WTU conduct summertime pickets of City Hall, reject the mediated contract approved by the school committee with input from Mayor Avedisian, escalate a war of words with Supt. Thornton, and lose appeal after appeal to the courts and the legislature -- and, despite all of these losses, conduct themselves as if they still hold some kind of advantage.

So it's not that the WTU is "whiny and greedy," it's that their leadership is deciding to ignore reality. Today's announcement by union president Netcoh about the no-confidence vote is the latest example -- she criticizes the school department for spending money on legal fees, yet will not agree to drop prior grievances, which are typically the highest legal cost for a school district, as part of a new contract agreement. Link:

The editorial writer is correct that the WTU has selectively pushed information that would benefit its stance in the ongoing contract situation, but should be careful not to repeat that same mistake.

From: A sickening situation

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