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I find it amusing the only fault lies with the School Committee. The city has now had 2-separate closings due to "sick outs," and we are being told it is the fault of the School Committee. It is NEVER the teacher's fault or the WTU's fault, nope it is that good for nothing School Committee's fault, all of this is because of them... Why can't the taxpayers of Warwick conduct a "No Confidence Vote" on the teachers and the WTU, after all they ULTIMATELY work for us, right? Am I correct in saying that? Both work for the taxpayers of Warwick? If that statement is true, then why do we have to put up with that? Isn't the saying "He who holds the gold makes the rules?" Don't the taxpayers have the power of the purse? Why do we need to go through this year after year???? Why???? Why can't we remove all the teachers, eliminate the WTU and start from scratch? We should as taxpayers have the most say in what is going in our city? I am sorry, every sentence seems to be ending in a question; because, I honestly don't know why we was taxpayers, who contribute to a large percentage of the city's overall revenue, why we do not have more of a say in the way the WSD is run.

Mr. Corrente, can you please explain this to me? Why do we have to have a teacher;'s union? Why can't we eliminate the unions, fire the teachers and start from scratch? Why can't we have "School Choice" and "Student Vouchers?" Do you agree the teacher's allegiance should be to the students and the taxpayers first? And if that is true, do you think the taxpayers should have a right and the final say as to who and who does not have a job as a teacher in the city?

You said recently in a couple posts that 80,000 resident's support the teachers, can you site your source? I am only asking because I think that number is fictitious and extremely exaggerated. While I do think there are thousands of people who do in fact support the teachers, there are also thousands of people who do not support the teachers.

I look forward to your response,

Happy Waning Gibbous Moon Richard Corrente,

Happy Waning Gibbous Moon Warwick Taxpayers;

Happy Waning Gibbous Moon Everyone;

So Mote it Be;

Rhode Island Freemason;

The Taxpayer's Freemason

From: Vets closed as more teachers call out sick

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