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What does/can the City of Warwick expect ? It places conditions on the sale that any new buyer would keep the columns/pillars at the front of the building. Many private businesses wouldn't want to deal with that restriction. Plus, it's a very tight area; limited parking, a residential neighborhood borders the property, a fire station is at its doorstep, & there is a marshy area behind it. The building itself requires upgrades if it is to remain any type of school/educational facility(fire upgrades & other improvements) many of which the proposed buyer will incur/pay for. On top of that, the bidder has volunteered in good faith to pay a PILOT amount of $ 70,000 to the City ; it may not be 100 % full value for tax purposes but I don't personally believe the City can expect much better. Should the City Council study & make sure the proposed bid is the best the City can do-yes; but don't drag it out too long.

From: Aldrich bid is a winner

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