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Paul and Wwkvoter,

To give you some more information about the deception that exists in the budget process. In the line item for the WFD 35-100 Sick leave, each year that amount when divided by the average day rate, it amounts to approximately 30 sick days per year. It was not until I exposed the fact that the numbers did not add up and I vigorously questioned the fire chief and the mayor to find that they only counted the non uniform personnel in the sick leave line item (35-100). Upon questioning the mayor and chief, they were forced to admit that they rolled the uniform sick time into the salary line item. Every department in the city breaks out the sick time with exception to the WFD. Why?????

Here's why. In the fiscal contract 2013 - 2015 we, the taxpayer, allocated 13,200 sick days to the WFD. The line item for all 3 years indicated a sick time use of 105 days. Being competent in math I knew something was wrong so I pushed and pushed and was met with roadblocks until I performed APRA requests and did the analysis. The reason that the WFD did not itemize the sick time was because they hide sick time under title 45. ( ) I would encourage you to read this.

In fact we found 287 cases were after a fire fighter was on vacation for 3 shifts (12 days) the first day back they call in sick and the sick day is written of to illness job related. Now, it doesnt take Columbo to figure out that something is amiss.

Taking that data and cross referencing with the unused sick pay we have a conundrum. The past 3 fire chiefs all state at the budget hearings that the excessive overtime is due to numerous men on the sick list, yet the sick leave time shows a negligible number, and in the line item of the unused sick pay bonus, it indicates that virtually every man eligible received the maximum unused sick time pay. It simply didnt pass the smell test.

So we docketed a resolution to force the WFD to break out the sick time in a separate line item as every other department does. Guess what, they didnt do it. They violated the ordinance. Are you comprehending this yet??

So by obtaining the shift records we calculated the number of sick days and multiplied that by the average day rate to come up with a figure of in excess of $900,000 in sick time. That is why they dont break it out. If there is that much sick time, how did 114 men in 2015 and 139 men in 2016 get the maximum unused sick pay bonus? The math simply does not work.

Let's stipulate for the record, we can all spin any subject matter to whatever side we lean to , but mathematics never lies. The simple math shows that the WFD has been scheming the sick time and title 45 for decades. It needs to end and they need to be accountable. Its just that simple.

Let me leave you with this. If you are a public employee say for example DPW and you steal a pump and get caught, its called simple theft. If you have the department head enabling you to steal the pump its called conspiracy. If you have the "lookout" calling the department head telling you that the coast is clear, and the department head allows you to steal the pump, whats that called????? Its call racketeering. RICO.

When 2 or more people are knowingly involved in a a repetitive scheme to defraud, its called RICO.

Just think about it, you're a smart guy.

From: Teachers reach tentative agreement with School Committee

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