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JohnStark, other readers and I know you were addressing your questions to Rep. Morgan. I would say to excuse the fake "mayor" for commenting on another topic that is unrelated to him, but that suggests forgetting his pathetic behavior. Honest, taxpaying voters in Warwick should not forget how he persists in making misleading claims, like the following:

"Since the election, Mayor Avedisian has tried to increase taxes 29 times."

It appears the fake "mayor" is referring to the 29 amendments made by the city council to Avedisian's proposed FY18 budget. One of these was a $3 million cut in the city's contribution to the school department. Others included attempts to cut individual staff salaries, which is not within the city council's authority.

In the end, many of these amendments will not be sustained, and the council may have to pass an additional school funding measure once the costs of the new contract are calculated.

"All 9 members have told me that my campaign influenced their constituents." Perhaps he can cite one statement during a public meeting, one quote to a media outlet, one email or letter from any member of the city council to back up this claim. He hasn't yet, but then again, lack of fact is a key characteristic in the fake "mayor's" behavior.

These most recent of the fake "mayor's" disingenuous statements are the latest example of his absolute unfitness for office, and it is a certainty that he will maintain his unblemished record of humiliating himself in his future comments.

From: Patricia Morgan running for 'all Rhode Islanders'

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