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This law puts the burden on the respondent (accused/alleged abuser) to fight the Final Protective Order unless it's imposed without notice. Depending on the judge, one could have their firearms confiscated over an unsubstantiated or under-investigated accusation.

This law has been abused in other States by petitioners (alleged victims) who wish to make things difficult for their partners; attorneys are more than happy to file petitions that are baseless- after all, they're billing for it. Divorces and breakups are nasty, vindictive, private affairs which are aired in public, usually with both parties proclaiming loudly to anyone who will listen how the other party is evil incarnate and how they are blameless.

But I digress...abuse of this law could never happen in RI where we have absolute wizards in the legal profession and judiciary, not to mention the General Assembly and Governor's Office.

From: Signed bill forces domestic abusers to hand over firearms

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