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Dear Justanidiot,

Look at the big picture old friend.

We all knew that someday the teachers would have a new contract. We all knew it would have some sort of raise in it for the teachers that have been working without a contract for over two years. The contract (as much as we know about it at present) gives stability to Warwick families at a reasonable cost. I believe it will offer a better environment to help attract new taxpayers to Warwick and, at least, keep some here that were contemplating an exit due to our schools. Additional taxpayers reduces the need to increase taxes on all of us. Look at "". Our teachers appear to be getting the average income in Rhode Island. I'll go back to your second comment where you say "Corrente will reopen this contract and serve the taxpayers well". This contract, once signed, is a done deal, but you can bet that if I read anything in it that unfairly favors either side I won't hesitate to speak up, just like the airport agreement. I remain committed to the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab and this compromise appears to be a fair investment.

Merry Christmas Justanidiot.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Teacher pact cost: $12.6M in 3 years

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