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The School Committee HAS the money to fund these raises. They won't show it. They won't allow an impartial audit from an outside independent source either, but they have it. They have a cash reserve just in their health benefits of over $3 million dollars. They have added to it every year for the last 17 years and have never taken a penny out. That's because there is no need for a cash reserve for this account at all! The fact that they never have taken a withdrawal, proves that their hasn't EVER been the need to do so. As health insurance claims increase or decrease, the premiums go up or down accordingly. Therefore Warwick doesn't NEED a cash reserve for this account... and never will.

Ed Ladouceur said it best when he said "The cost of the administration is out of control."

Merry Christmas everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Teachers finally have a new contract

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