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The School Committee does NOT want $85,000,000. AND they don't want it to "upgrade its aging schools"

They want $85,000,000 .....MORE!!! (In addition to the $160,000,000 they already have with almost no accountability)

AND they won't let ANYONE tell them, advise them, or even suggest to them how they should spend it. They DEMAND total control! They only CLAIM it is for upgrading our schools.

Since 2009 Warwick Taxpayers have given the Warwick School Committee (NOT the Warwick Schools; NOT the Warwick teachers; NOT the Warwick students), over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. THAT money was supposed to be in part for "upgrading our aging schools". It didn't go to that. It went to the Warwick School Committee! Now they want more. They won't submit to an impartial audit from an outside company. The taxpayers and the City Council are NOT allowed to see what they have spent the previous BILLION on, but now they want us to "trust them" with $85,000,000 MORE!!!!!!!

The idea that any intelligent taxpayer would even consider this proposal shows how far the School Committee has moved away from the needs of the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. The money is absolutely NOT for the schools. It is solely for needs of the School Committee.

The answer is "No!"

Merry Christmas everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools look for feedback on bond proposals

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