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Hell again Kammy:

As I predicted, the fake "mayor's" comments "have less to do with directly answering your questions and more to do with repeating fraudulent statements and disparaging the school committee."

- "The Mayor and the City Council promise to be accountable to the taxpayers. The School Committee promises to NOT be."

This is nothing more than a conspiracy theory cooked up in the fake "mayor's" fevered imagination. No school committee member has said they "promise not to be accountable."

- "We will fix our outdated schools out of the $160,000,000 we give the School Committee EVERY YEAR."

The fake "mayor" again ignores the fact that 90+ percent of the annual school budget pays teacher and staff salaries and benefits. The $160 million spent per year on schools does not simply accumulate as the fake "mayor" seems to suggest.

- "Greed. Theft. Padding the staffs of the School Committee (SC) at almost the same rate as they decreased the number of our teachers!"

Calling the school committee "greedy" is simply childish. The "theft" he mentions happened under the former superintendent. He, along with two other senior administrators, are gone. Blaming the school committee for the former administrators' misdeeds is dishonest and yet another attempt to mislead readers.

Much of the reduction in teachers was through early retirement and voluntary departures, not layoffs. Of 65 teachers who left, 22 were layoffs. The school administration has not added 65 [or 22] new positions, making this yet another falsehood from the fake "mayor."

He also continues to conflate the school committee [the elected officials] with the school administration [the appointed officials] without admitting this error. The school committee does not have "staffs."

- "The aid Warwick receives from the state increases as the percent-of-students-per-capacity of each school does. Warwick schools are lower in percentage-of-capacity than other schools in other cities. Therefore, Warwick receives less state aid."

Every community in Rhode Island receives state funding based on a variety of factors, and none of them are the "percent of students per capacity" figure the fake "mayor" has invented from thin air.

In fact, Warwick has received more [not "less"] state aid over the past four years as its population has continue to decline, independent of the high school consolidation. Here are the actual figures:

2014-15: 9,277 students; $36.05 million state aid

2015-16: 9,140 students; $36.75 million state aid

2016-17: 9.124 students; $38.2 million state aid

2017-18: 8,953 students; $39.1 million state aid

State aid figures are here:

Enrollment figures are here: [select "Warwick" and the school years to view]

It is truly pathetic how the fake "mayor" continues to post such easily-debunked statements when the facts that disprove them are so easily accessible.

Like you, I look forward to joining tens of thousands of honest, taxpaying voters in Warwick in again rejecting his candidacy next November.

From: Consensus elusive on school bond

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