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Thank you Richard. You attempted to give answers instead of campaign tag lines. Unfortunately, CrickeeRaven was correct. Your answers have already been refuted by facts.

One of my biggest issues (setting aside the fraudulent statements) is that you are not unbiased. If you were to be elected Mayor, you have already given away that you side 100% with the WTU and regard the WSC as some sort of axis of evil. Compromise and balanced viewpoints are so important when in a leadership position.

I am very concerned about your behavior and statements. Your refusal to retract or restate your comments even in the face of solid proof and public record is alarming to me. I can appreciate spending your time and money trying to make positive changes to your city but I cannot condone the manner in which you are going about it. I am sure you are a likable person and that you have family, friends, colleagues that think you are a great guy. I can appreciate your desire to shake things up in the City, however, we aren't broken, we just need a little tweaking. Don't be a wreaking ball when a screw driver will fix the problem.

From: Consensus elusive on school bond

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