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Dear WwkVoter,

Are you kidding??

A Home Rule Charter is VERY different to a legislative charter. In some ways they are polar opposites.

A legislative charter makes recommendations to the state and the STATE DECIDES! ( and trust me old friend, the state legislators will vote for what benefits the STATE, not the City of Warwick.) With a Home Rule Charter, the City has the final decision and IF we had a Home Rule Charter, the City Council could make the School Committee (SC) accountable to the TAXPAYERS. Under the present legislative charter, the SC has total control of $160 million dollars of taxpayers money "from the minute they receive it." That's why I have campaigned to require answers to taxpayers questions "BEFORE we give the SC a dime!"

Every City Council person agrees that Warwick NEEDS a Home Rule Charter, (to my understanding). Why don't you? And while we're at it, what makes you think that they are "exactly the same"?

Merry Christmas WwkVoter

Merry Christmas everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: School Dept. reverts to $85M bond for building repairs

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