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Hello again Thecaptain:

I certainly appreciate your vigilance in upholding the laws governing political signage on public property which the fake "mayor" seems to so willingly disregard -- despite the ease with which such rules can be found.

Here, for example, is the language in the Warwick Charter [Ch. 803.5 part D] regarding political signs: "Such signs shall be constructed of >>>durable material,>>prohibited from trees, traffic signs or utility poles.>>not more than 60 days prior to such election or referendum,<<< or in any event, no premises shall have a sign erected for more than 120 days in any calendar year."

I have highlighted two sections above that seem to prove the fake "mayor's" signs are illegal under the ity charter. First, duct-taped paper signs are not "durable." Second, as the election is next November, his signs may not be displayed until next September under the city ordinance, and third, if he plans to leave the signs up from now until next November, he will exceed the 120-day limit.

Here is the relevant link because, as you so accurately point out, the fake "mayor" does not believe in doing his own research:

For someone who is so intent on replacing the city's charter with something more to his liking, the fake "mayor" sure does not have a grasp of what's actually in it -- this just further proves it.

From: School Dept. reverts to $85M bond for building repairs

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