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Hello again Kammy and ThatGuyInRI:

Kammy, thank you for posting the link to that comparison among the charters for each Rhode Island community. I have also used that resource and arrived at the exact same conclusion that you do: There is very little difference among any of the charters, whether they are "home rule" or "legislative."

I have also found, as you also may have, that none of these charters gives the city or town council line-item control over school budgets that the fake "mayor" seems to be demanding. Ultimately, the most effective way for cities and school departments to operate is to work together, not, as the fake "mayor" has done, repeatedly attack the school committee for its decisions while ignoring the very serious missteps of his party's 9-0 city council.

ThatGuy, we'll have to wait another year for the dream of another defeat to come true -- but rest assured, it will.

From: School Dept. reverts to $85M bond for building repairs

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