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The budget was not balanced; The RI GA instructed Governor Gina to find $ 25 million in cost savings to make revenues equal expenses; hence the early retirement incentive. From all articles I've read, that will only save approx. $ 2 million within the current budget year(it is hoped that more savings will result in later years from lower replacement worker costs or not replacing workers). Paw Sox : if you want to leave the bond responsibilities as is( $ 15 million-Pawtucket; $ 23 million-RI; $ 33 million-Paw Sox plus the team's $ 12 million in cash)-that's OK. However, all naming rights revenue should go to Pawtucket & the Paw Sox should cover ALL construction AND land acquisition cost overruns-it's such a great deal, right ? Marijuana revenue ? I don't think so. Not for a significant source of revenue. Most cities/towns are likely to ask for State assistance for their school building improvements-the State will likely have to provide a smaller assistance percentage to allow all school districts to have access to the bond program. On line gambling revenue may provide revenue but it may also hurt Twin Rivers-people might like the convenience of gambling form home(especially in bad weather). $ 200 million projected deficit next fiscal year with no expected rollover from a budget surplus from this fiscal year; across the board cuts to almost all departments will be difficult. Maybe a postponement in the car tax relief program might be needed unless the RI GA wants to raise taxes on individuals & businesses. That might be unwise in an election year.

From: House, Senate majority leaders discuss upcoming session

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