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How about a law of not endangering an animal? I say this from experience.

My last dog I had for 18 years before she passed was a Husky mix. You wouldn't have noticed the "mix" she looked and acted all Husky. When it snowed she was in her glory rolling, jumping and chasing snowballs. It was actually difficult to convince her it was time to go back in. Summer was a different scenario. She didn't like the heat at all when the temps hit the 90's it was out, do business in.

My current dog is a Boxer/Lab mix. He's content in all weather, but since this is about cold I will mention that when hiking in below freezing temps he will go swimming when he finds water. Gives me a chill thinking about it.

So just cause a dog is in the cold doesn't mean it's cold.

From: A law to protect dogs from being tethered outside in the cold

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