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The fake "mayor" will not get a response about an audit of the school department because audits are already conducted, every year, by the same firm that audits the city's books. That he still demands answers for a question that has already been answered is further proof of his complete unfitness for any office.

Whatever meetings he claims to have attended, it must have not been the open city council session on Jan. 25 where school officials presented and explained the entire $85 million request:,131215?#comments

Whatever "critical information" the fake "mayor" claims was provided to the city council "just 24 hours before the vote," it must not have been the detailed, itemized project list that those same school officials presented, reviewed, and discussed with the council on Jan. 25.

It is truly disgraceful that he should accuse the school committee of not being accountable when he has shown none himself; he refuses to change the many, many statements he has made that have been objectively proven false.

- "Before we give them 'another dime,' I think [an audit] needs to happen."

The fake "mayor's" party that holds a 9-0 majority on the city council obviously disagrees with his delusional attempts to punish the school committee; he has also never acknowledged that cutting off school funding would also stop paychecks to the teachers he so desperately wants to support his soon-to-be twice-failed candidacy.

From: Overthinking sometimes worse than not thinking at all

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