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Some kudos to WSD for addressing these issues and some facts.

1. Nothing you can do will prevent a well motivated shooter from entering any building they wish and wreaking havoc.

2. The best that can be done in the above situation is to minimize the damage.

3. People want to focus on regulation/gun laws etc. but these will have little impact as mass shootings are in fact illegal and many if not most mass shooters have no intention of surviving so legislation isn't the answer.

4. "Run, hide, fight" is a good policy and it should be up to each individual as to which approach is best given their exact situtuaion. Studies have shown that given an active shooter situation, fighting back is your best option for survival. If a shooter is on the third floor of a builiding and you're on the first, running is likely your best optioin, if they're on your hall barricading might be your best option, and if they're in your room, fighting might be your only option.

5. Since the destructive actions of a motivated shooter can't be stopped, prevention is the best option.

6. Don't waste time arguing about the 2nd Amendment, gun laws etc. it's a wast of time. Focus on mental health issues, focus on that kid that nobody likes, nobody talks to. Focus on that kid sitting alone every lunch period or the one with no firends or the one fixated with guns and or violence, THAT kid is your likely shooter, focus on him. Get to him and get him help before he gets to you. Metal detectors, armed guards, locked doors...none of them will stop the determined madman, but a kind word to the right persoon at the right time just might.

Read this very good open letter.

From: 3-pronged effort for better school safety

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