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Dear CrickeeRaven,

You're wrong...again.

I do remember Gaspee Days parade and festival. In fact, I attend every year. But it's not in March.

I also remember, fondly, when Warwick used to have a St. Patricks Day/St. Josephs Day celebration and I think that helped promote Warwick to surrounding communities and attracted many new homebuyers and I'll bet more than one new business. But that was before your buddy Scott Avedisian was Mayor. That needs to change. As Mayor, I will make sure that it DOES change.

Warwick desperately needs new taxpayers. Do you have an idea about how to attract them? If you do, let's hear it! If not, please don't criticize mine. Fair enough?

Happy St. Patricks Day CrickeeRaven

Happy St. Patricks Day everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Parades, immigrants and the American Dream

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