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Recently, the fake "mayor" stated: "If he opens up a new Irish or Israeli business... that employees [sic] hundreds (or even dozens) of Warwick citizens then I will sincerely apologize."

He also erroneously termed actual Mayor Avedisian's business development visits to Ireland and Israel as "vacations."


Now that the actual mayor's efforts are bringing businesses that will employ local residents, the fake "mayor" now has a prime opportunity to back up at least one of his statements.

And while he is apologizing for bashing the city and its efforts to bring in new businesses, maybe he will also finally apologize for his ethically questionable and potentially illegal campaign activities, which include failing to report campaign spending in a timely manner, paying for a lie-filled advertisement, posting illegal campaign signs all over the city, and giving campaign funds to the same person who previously paid the delinquent tax bill on the fake "mayor's" residence:

From: Warwick is foothold for Irish companies

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