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Dear Kammy,

No "chagrined face". I'm happy to be wrong on this one. And if this new business brings jobs for Warwick residents, I sincerely apologize for suggesting otherwise. I didn't notice how many Warwick citizens they plan to hire. Any time Warwick gets back some of the 4,666 businesses we lost over the last ten years (according to the U.S. Census and the R.I. Secretary of States office) that's a good day for the taxpayers.

I don't understand how a company can offer a $250,000 house assembled and purchased for under $100,000, especially when it has to be transported all the way from Ireland, but I do like the part where it says "at no cost to the City"

Happy Spring Kammy,

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Warwick is foothold for Irish companies

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