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Rick, if you cared about this city you would stop lying to people in an attempt to boost your failing political career.

Its funny that you say you care about this city so much. You claim to be an advocate for taxpayers and students. It is all about you Rick and how you think you're better than others.

Let me ask you something: If you commenting on this website was truly about caring about the city than how come you never commented until you were running for mayor? Did you not care about the schools back then? Did you not care about the taxpayers then? Why is it you didn't start taking an interest in other peoples accomplishments until you decided to try and scheme your way to office? Or was that back when you were endorsing Stacia Huyler (Petri) claiming that you were a member of the tea party? Its hard to keep track the way you lie and pander through the campaign.

Now that news is breaking that Mayor Avedesian is stepping down, I can't wait for some other candidate to embarrass you. You won't be able to claim I work for the mayor then either. It will be another Corrente lie exposed and added to the list.

From: Schools approve $171.9M budget

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