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Dear School Committee member David Testa, (AKAdave1107),

First, thank you for using your real name. It shows respect for others as well as yourself.

As far as your comments, they are too complex and are going in several directions at the same time.

I'll make my observations simple.

The public doesn't trust the School Committee. The City Council doesn't trust the School Committee. The teachers and the Teachers Union don't trust the School Committee. The parents don't trust the School Committee. The students don't trust the School Committee. I don't trust the School Committee. No one that I have spoken to in the last two years trusts the School Committee. That's why they/you hired a public relations firm. That is the School Committee's basic problem. I've attended almost every School Committee meeting. You have seen me there. No member of the audience speaks highly of the School Committee! Do you know why? They don't trust you! (plural).

Here is an opportunity to change that David and you can be credited for introducing it.

Put a "Clerk-of-the-Works" in the current $40,000,000 bond request. (That's sort of an auditor for this one project only; an independent someone to watch all monies spent to insure the taxpayers that the money is being spent as it should). If you do, you will increase your chances of getting the voters to approve the bond request. As I have said, if you do, I will openly and publically support the bond. If you don't I will openly and publically oppose it. Whatever my influence is, large or small, wouldn't you rather have me speaking FOR it, not AGAINST? What have you got to lose? Nothing. What do you (plural) have to gain? A better image. More cooperation from the taxpayers. Better PR with the parents, teachers, and students. Much more respect from everyone. If you want to discuss it call me at 401-338-9900. If the School Committee truly wants to repair the schools, there is nothing stopping you from giving this kind of assurance to the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab.

Think about it Dave. Talk it over with Finance Director Anthony Ferrucci. I spoke to him about it as well. Thanks again for having the courage to respond as School Committee member, David Testa.

Happy Spring sir.

Happy Spring everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools approve $171.9M budget

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