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What I'm wondering, Kammy, is how the make-believe "mayor" will resolve the many contradictions in the statements that he has made on this site.

For example, he claims credit for tax and spending cuts in the FY18 budget -- that don't exist. Tax revenue went up, and spending went up -- not down.

So, will he a.) attack the city council for not listening to him, proving his claims of influence to be lies, or b.) continue to claim that the cuts actually happened despite factual evidence to the contrary, proving his claims to be lies?

Similarly, he claims that Mayor Avedisian submitted 29 amendments that would have raised taxes -- yet it was the council that submitted the amendments, they didn't raise spending, and they weren't all passed unanimously.

So, will he a.) continue to attack Avedisian for raising taxes and spending when it was the council that passed the budget, proving his claims to be lies, or b.) attack the council for not listening to him about cutting taxes and spending, proving his claims to be lies?

What we are witnessing, thankfully, are the final grasps of a failed candidate to cling onto any shred of visibility that he thinks he can gain by continuing his futile campaign against a mayor who is not running again. The September primary can not happen soon enough.

From: Raimondo fires up Dems for elections

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