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Dear Kammy,

Again, I find myself agreeing with your premise that the teachers are professionals and that as such they should ALWAYS strive to perform "the best job they can do." I just feel that "the best job they can do" is enhanced if they have the security of a signed contract. I know if it were me, I would feel more secure and it would probably show up in better production.

Don't you?

And as far as "communication", no, I don't want to "knock the side of your head". You and I and the Warwick Teachers Union DO communicate. We don't always agree but we DO always communicate. I respect you for that. The School Committee and Mayor Avedisian, on the other hand, could have used a "communication-knock-on-the-side-of-the-head". It might have helped.

By the way, you've commented in the past about your children. Happy Mothers Day.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Toll Gate High Honor Society installation is May 16

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