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There are 2 groups of people in Warwick; those who PAY tax dollars and those who RECEIVE tax dollars. Those that PAY, want to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending". They know that there hasn't been one piece of legislation ever written in Warwick (or anywhere else for that matter) that was worth the money it cost the taxpayers. Then there is the other group. Those who RECEIVE tax dollars. All they ever want is more tax dollars coming in to feed their ever-increasing needs. I call these people, "political-insiders". Most of the people at Joe Solomons' fundraiser were "political-insiders", and there were a LOT of them. Congratulations Joe, on a very successful fundraiser. Remember, the Mayor doesn't just represent the "political-insiders". The Mayor also represents the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab!

It's now official. Cranston has passed Warwick as the second most populated city in Rhode Island. Warwick has lost 5,800 taxpayers in the last ten years and I blame that on 18 years of tax increases that you voted for Joe! (while Cranston lowered taxes and gained population). Joe, if you are a tax-and-spend kind of person and you become Mayor, Warwick will suffer just as it did under Mayor Avedisian. As Mayor, I want to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending". That will attract more taxpayers, which will increase total tax revenue, which will lower the tax needs on each individual taxpayer. Where do you stand today on the issue of taxes Joe? Do you favor cutting them or raising them? The 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab truly deserve to know.

Again, congrats on the very successful turnout.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Hundreds attend Solomon's mayoral fundraiser

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