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"There are 2 groups of people in Warwick; those who PAY tax dollars and those who RECEIVE tax dollars," writes the make-believe mayor, who is in a third group: Those who do not pay their taxes.

"Most of the people at Joe Solomons' [correct spelling is "Solomon's"] fundraiser were 'political-insiders,' and there were a LOT of them."

Let's review the make-believe mayor's past campaign contributions -- for the 2016 campaign, he accepted donations from Councilors Edgar Ladouceur, Joseph Gallucci, and Donna Travis; state Reps. Camille Vella-Wilkinson, Evan Shanley, Joseph McNamara, and K. Joseph Shekarchi; and school committee member Karen Bachus -- all people he is describing as "insiders."

Now that he is clearly on the "outside," the make-believe mayor is resorting to name-calling toward the same people from whom he previously accepted campaign contributions.

He is also continuing to lie to the voters of Warwick:

"Warwick has lost 5,800 taxpayers in the last ten years and I blame that on 18 years of tax increases that you voted for Joe! (while Cranston lowered taxes and gained population)."

This statement is false in two respects:

- Another article on this website states: "Warwick’s population has dropped by 1,801 since 2010, while Cranston has increased 815 since the last official nationwide census." That is a confirmed, factual number from the U.S. Census of 1,801 -- not 5,800:,134285?#comments

- Here are the changes in the tax rate since Allan Fung was elected mayor, showing that taxes went up -- not down:

FY2010: $19.11

FY2011: $19.56

FY2012: $20.26

FY2013: $22.84

FY2014: $22.84

FY2015: $22.84

FY2016: $22.45 [due to revaluation]

FY2017: $22.45 h

FY2018: $22.94

Honest, taxpaying voters see through the make-believe mayor's false claims and will overwhelmingly reject his candidacy again at the first opportunity.

From: Hundreds attend Solomon's mayoral fundraiser

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