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Notice how Rick Corrente brushes aside his willingness to raise beach fees on every city resident. I believe the right thing to do is come up with a better plan thats fair to taxpayers. Rick Corrente wants to raise fees on every driver. I already shared MANY ways I would improve the beach cleanup, while not raising fees on residents. Rick Correntes only solution is to make every driving resident pay. I believe real leadership is sometimes saying "maybe we got it wrong". Rick Corrente believes the right thing to do is jam legislation through whether right or wrong.

Again, this speaks to his eagnerness to raise YOUR taxes. Rather than come up with a fair, comprehensive plan that is fair to ALL RESIDENTS and looks to avoid raising beach fees on residents Corrente chooses the easily solution (raise fees). How many other "easy solutions" (raising taxes and fees) would he look for in the city budget? This is why when he says "cut taxes, cut spending" you know he's lying. The 1st issue of the campaign season and he is on the side of raising taxes. It is laughable the fake mayor continues to make assertions that he is on the side of taxpayers. On every issue (as in his own finances) he demonstrates a lack of fiscal responsibility and understanding. Warwick can't afford Rick Corrente.

From: Beach goers mixed on nixed beach fees

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