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Readers will notice alot of words from Rick Corrente. ZERO SUBSTANCE. He's great at telling you his "plans". Notice he will never tell you HOW MUCH these things would cost? Also notice he doesn't tell you HOW HE'LL PAY FOR THESE THINGS? Anyone can tell you an idea, the hard part Rick (which you are too stupid to grasp) is telling voters where the $ to pay for these things comes from.

Just take 1 example. Rick Corrente lists a "voluntary pension buyout" as part of his plan. There are MANY missing elements from this plan. A few important questions would be:

-How many years of service would be required to be eligible for a buyout?

-How many current City of Warwick employees would be eligible to retire? How many would be eligible for this benefit?

-How much money would eligible city workers be recieving in a lump sum? How would this be calculated?

-Where does the upfront money to start this program come from? Will taxes be raised in the short term to pay for this? If not, are you borrowing money? How much will need to be borrowed? Does this still save $?

-How much money would potentially be saved from the buyout program?

The other problem with Correntes dishonesty? Warwick retirees recieve health care for life. Do you have any idea how much $ you would have to offer a retiree to get them to forego their own healthcare for life and have them be subject to state exchanges or Medicare?

How will you pay for these programs Rick?

You are a candidate for mayor, don't you think voters have a right to know?

Without ANY of these answers how does Corrente know this plan will save money? This is the problem with EVERY CORRENTE IDEA. Without knowing the cost how can he say he's going to cut your taxes? Corrente was asked in a debate with Scott Avedesian to name 2 areas of spending (line items) he would cut from the budget? HE COULDN'T NAME ONE!!! The "cut spending" candidate FAILS EVERY TIME to be specific.

He says his critics don't offer a plan. Maybe thats because HIS CRITICS AREN'T RUNNING FOR MAYOR. This fraud wants it both way, he wants to be a candidate when he used the Beacon comment section for free advertising, yet he doesn't want any of the scrutiny that comes with being a candidate. This fake, lying, pathetic failure will not deter me from telling voters the truth.

I would also ask the lying failure Corrente why he didn't respond to my comments quoting the Warwick Beacon and Warwick Post about his tax delinquency and foreclosure? Or about how Clay Shackelton (Correntes campaign offices landlord) paid his (Correntes) taxes for him in 2014 AND 2015. I can only expect more lies and distortion from the fake mayor.

From: Council approves budget with maximum tax increase

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