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Hello again, Scal and Thecaptain:

I honestly wonder when the make-believe mayor will ever exhibit any actual intelligence about, well, anything.

He's parroting himself, contradicting his own words, repeating his lies, and he still thinks he is considered a serious candidate.

Compound that with his arrogance and outright refusal to acknowledge facts, and it's very clear that he cares about nothing except his own ego.

Sitting there in his empty office, he spends hours telling himself that he really can be mayor -- while his own party withholds even the pittance it gave him for the 2016 campaign, his statements are torn to shreds on this website, and voters see him as a laughingstock.

I would almost -- almost -- feel badly for him if it weren't so clear that he is willingly and consciously engaging in his pathetic, humiliating behavior.

The ultimate result -- a second overwhelming loss -- is what he deserves. It can't happen quickly enough.

From: Council approves budget with maximum tax increase

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