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Dear CrickeeRaven,

You anonymous coward of a critic!

I presented the U.S. Census report directly to the Warwick Beacon and they verified it BEFORE they printed my findings. I even gave The Beacon the name and phone number of the guy I spoke to at the U.S. Census. My numbers are 100% accurate. But even if we use your number, that means 4,215 citizens are no longer living in Warwick. That means the tax revenue of those 4,215 or 5,800 people left our city as well. That's millions of tax dollars! I want to get those taxpayers BACK. It will lower the tax needs on the rest of us. I have stated many programs in my platform to accomplish that. You haven't mentioned one! Why don't you? And while you're at it use your REAL name. Fair enough Mark?

Fake news. Fake sources. Fake people. Fake names.

Happy Summer Bob.

Happy Summer CrickeeRaven, you anonymous coward.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Rhode trip?

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