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Thanks for an honest response Danny. It's my biggest frustration with Corrente. He runs around saying "cut taxes, cut spending" yet has never put pen to paper and told us how he'd do it. On top of that he was in favor of teacher raises, abd other increased city services, but never acknowledges the cost. His answer has always been "grow the tax base" but that won't happen overnight and its not the cure for everything.

I will admit its refreshing to hear someone who has run for elected office acknowledge the tax increase was unavoidable. We all hate paying taxes, especially higher taxes, but those are the immediate relaties we all face today. Anyone who suggests otherwise is flat out lying. With prior contracts already negotiated and no changes to pensions or health care city wide there is nothing happening to slow down those overall costs. It would be something if Rick Corrente acknowledged that he isn't cutting anyones taxes, the numbers simply DO NOT WORK. It would also be a nice change if he could tell voters what spending he would cut, how much $ would be paid per employee for his "voluntary pension buyout", or how much $ would be collected (roughly) for his beach fee (tax) program. Without that information how does he know he'll cut taxes? The answer is because he's not going to lower your taxes. More lies and deception. Voters deserve better.

From: Beaches to open Saturday, at no charge

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