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Dear DannyHall82,

Don't be fooled.

Scal is conning you to believe that a tax increase is the ONLY solution because Warwick already spent the money. THEN the political insiders will overspend MORE and Scal will claim that Warwick will HAVE to raise taxes again. That's EXACTLY what Avedisian did since 2000. How's that working out for the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab? We lost 5,800 taxpayers in the last ten years alone! (according to the U.S. Census). (and TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars of tax revenue as well!) How much Total Tax Revenue (TTR) did loosing all those taxpayers cost Warwick? I'm sure it's in the tens of millions of dollars every year. Should Warwick keep raising taxes or are we "TBAR'D", Taxed Beyond All Recognition. If we "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending", Warwick will attract new taxpayers. Cranston did just that and now they are the second most populated city in Rhode Island. Think about how much total tax revenue Cranston receives with each new taxpayer! Their gain is Warwicks' loss! The political insiders don't realize that raising taxes LOOSES TAXPAYERS. The result: LESS Total Tax Revenue (TTR). The solution from the political insiders? Raise taxes again and again! That's what Avedisian did every year for 18 years in a row, and now Joe Solomon just gave us THE LARGEST TAX INCREASE ALLOWED BY LAW! How many taxpayers will move out now?? Will Joe just raise taxes again when they do?? I'll bet he will!

Using "The Corrente Plan", I want to promote Warwick to the rest of Rhode Island with an all-out "Welcome-To-Warwick" campaign. Signs, magazines, advertising, rebate checks to new homebuyers and new business owners, and an emphasis on our beautiful beaches that will attract new taxpayers and increase our total tax revenue (TTR) making the tax needs of all Warwick taxpayers GO DOWN!!

Danny, there has to be a better way. What if we had a "hiring freeze" (part of the Corrente plan) Attrition would reduce our payrolls. Would that "Cut Spending" while protecting the jobs of Warwicks' present employees? What if we had "voluntary pension buyouts". (another part of The Corrente Plan). Would that cut spending while offering our retirees a new option that they just might want?? Or need?? What if we had a "2 year moratorium on building permits". (again, The Corrente Plan)Would that increase total tax revenue FOREVER without just raising taxes on everyone?

And what about your original comment "Isn't a beach fee essentially another tax?" It is fee income that Warwick would receive from ALL beachgoers, some of which come from out of Warwick. Without it, ALL Warwick taxpayers have to pay for the clean-up costs. Isn't it better to have "others" pay for our beach cleanups? Wouldn't that "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending" on WARWICK TAXPAYERS? Who do you want to pay to clean our beaches? ALL the beachgoers or ALL the Warwick taxpayers? I vote "the beachgoers!" So did Solomon in December 2017. Now that he is running for Mayor, he's flip-flopped on the issue. I won't.

You are an intelligent person Danny. I'm sure you can and will come up with other money making or money saving ideas (and I would love to share them with you. Call me at 401-338-9900) but "tax-and-spend" just isn't affordable anymore.

The one thing I understand clearly about Warwicks' political insiders is that if you give then a million dollars of taxpayers money, they will spend two million. THEN they will "claim" we HAVE to raise taxes so they can do it over and over again. What if we had a plan that rewards a department that underspends and penalizes one that overspends. (another part of the Corrente Plan). We have to think of new ways to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending", not cave in to the political insiders. These are a few of my ideas. Acting Mayor Solomon hasn't said one word about his ideas to make Warwick better. He just says that he wants to. Spoken like a true political insider. "...full of sound and fury; signifying nothing"

All Scal wants to do is justify tax increases, insult me, lie viciously, and then hide behind a fake name like the coward that he is.. Do you think Scal is a henchman for the political insiders? I do.

Danny,what would you do to "Cut Taxes - Cut Spending"? I honestly would like to hear your thoughts.

Happy Fourth of July Danny

Happy Fourth of July everyone

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Beaches to open Saturday, at no charge

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