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Rick, not only is it the very definition of pandering, but students, parents and voters can easily see through your fraudulent behavior. Could you direct me to your congratulatory comments to Warwicks honor roll students BEFORE you declared yourself a candidate for Mayor? No such comments exist because the truth is you didn't care about honor roll students or any students, their parents or teachers. That's why I find it so hard to believe you suddenly care now. I also believe if we look into your record further, we will see you never spoke at budget hearings or school committee meetings until you declared for office.

Voters recognize a fraud when they see one. Rick Correntes behavior has shown him to either be ignorant on facts, or a blatant liar. What else would explain him claiming Warwick has 80,000 taxpayers ( its 80,000 residents- he has been corrected too many times to count and ignores facts), or his false claims on lost taxpayers or lost businesses in Warwick. So many false claims is not a coincidence. In just a little over 2 months time Warwick voters can send a message to Rick Corrente: We want HONEST candidates, who pay their fair share of taxes and PAY THEM ON TIME.

I'm sure Ricks response will be another predictable attack on me because that's all he can do. There is no defense for his empty rhetoric plans that will bankrupt our city. There is no defense for someone else paying his taxes (he claims no one ever has, despite city records showing otherwise). His attacks on me won't make any of his lies true, and it won't breathe ANY life into his FAILING, 4 year, $40,000+ campaign.

From: 4th quarter honors posted at Veterans Junior High School

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