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Scal1024 - not to hijack the comments and take them into the weeds (but that is what I am doing)

When it comes to the school budget I think this a prime example of misuse of funds in Warwick, when people push back and ask the school department to "do an audit" or "make an accounting of your spending" it turns into a giant "attack on teachers" or "don't you want the best for the children" campaign. I remember driving by all the picking "families" that were supporting teachers and wondering if they understood that it all has so little to do with paying the teachers -- or that our teachers are the highest paid in pretty much the whole country and we still have kids that are dumb as rocks - sure the Beacon will dig up an exception to highlight how there are good and smart kids in the public schools. Honestly, those exceptions are good and smart kids despite being in the public schools.

Personally, I think Warwick needs to start handing out vouchers to parents so they can take that 20+K per student per year that is being spent and let them find better options and let the public schools compete for those dollars then you will see things turn around because the administration will be forced to offer a targeted and appealing educational product to the parents of Warwick. --- Aside, I mentioned this idea to a family friend that teaches at Pilgrim (who does not send their children to public schools) and they launched into an explanation of all the 5 year plans that are in place to fix the problems in the Warwick Public Educational system... My response was - in five years you have already lost a generation of children to a broken system, why punish (or their tax paying parents) when the private schools in and around Warwick already have those plans in place. Let the parents choose and maybe the school admins will get their heads out of their rear-ends and admit that real change can be made and made nearly instantly when you get the bureaucracy out of the way.

Another way to look at it... When the government ran the telegraph service, there was zero innovation because it did just want the government wanted it to do. When it was privatized it was instantly improved upon, telegraph became telephone which (became a monopoly that the government broken up) which became those silly cellphones we all carry around.

Imagine what our schools could be like if government just got out of the way...

From: Gerald Carbone: Warwick has fallen behind

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