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Interesting "honest" question. Scal wants to know if Camille will "endorse" me. The question is not if she will endorse me. The question is will she vote for me in the privacy of that voting booth, where people like you can't influence her. You said "if I were a betting man". Scal! We don't even know if you ARE a man...or a woman... or a child.

For the record, Camille and I don't always agree. We were on complete opposites of an issue some time back. We went to breakfast, debated it, and left still in total disagreement but with total respect for each others opinion.

That's what adults do Scal. If you ever decide to come clean, I will even pay for breakfast. Until then Camille's vote will remain her personal business, and I will still credit her when I feel she deserves it which is ALMOST all the time.

Fake news. Fake sources. Fake people. Fake names. like Scal1024

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Veterans to benefit from two Vella-Wilkinson bills

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